Module K | Coordination
A large, interdisciplinary and long-term project like ITMS requires good coordination to facilitate communication within ITMS and with its partners, and to ensure that the project goals are met.
The ITMS-K (COORDINATION) module coordinates the entire ITMS project by coordinating activities within each module and promoting optimal exchange between the ITMS modules. The work of ITMS-K ensures that Deliverables and Milestones are met on time, critical contributions and bottlenecks are identified, and associated risks are mitigated. The tasks of ITMS-K include, for example, meeting planning, tracking project progress, and coordinating data flows.
ITMS-K consist of the project coordinators Dr. Christoph Gerbig and Dr. Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, the coordination group and the K-Working-Group. Among others, the K-Working-Group supports the coordination group, plans meetings, tracks project progress, coordinates data flows, and coordinates the creation of outreach products for the public and ITMS users in collaboration with ITMS-V.
ITMS-K Working Group:
Dr. Andrea Kaiser-Weiss (DWD) - Module K, V, and M
Dr. Christian Plaß-Dülmer (DWD, until autumn 2024) - Module K
Dr. Jennifer Müller-Williams (DWD, since autumn 2024) - Module K
Dr. Beatrice Ellerhoff (DWD) - Module K
Dr. Rachael Akinyede (MPI-BGC) - Module M
Dr. Maximilian Reuter (Uni Bremen) - Module B
Dr. Michael Weimer (Uni Bremen) - Module B
Dr. Hannes Imhof (KIT IMK-IFU) - Module Q&S
A detailed description of the 5 work packages in ITMS-K is listed below:
ITMS-K WP1 | Communication and Meeting planning

This workpackage carefully plans and facilitates the project communication by a convenient online communication tool, data exchange tool and webpage. Meetings and telecons are organized to ensure progress tracking, risk management and issue solving. The communication is structured around module milestones and workpackage deliverables. A regular communication is maintained within the participating workpackages, and specific module-related meetings are held as needed.
Responsible persons:
ITMS-K WP2 | Project Reporting

This workpackage involves aspects of administrative management and regular progress reporting, facilitating public relations by listing achievements in user interaction, publications, press releases, and reports and updating the webpage. The tasks include the design of a traceability matrix, the listing of achievements concerning data and model (interim-)products and the preparation of formal project reports.
Responsible persons:
ITMS-K WP3 | Benchmarking and Planning for Phase 2
In this workpackage, benchmarking tools will be created and applied, based on WP1 and WP2 to evaluate the project's achievements and cooperation using the overarching milestones. Lessons learned will be used to improve the coordination process. Benchmarking steps analyse the status of ITMS and provide recommendations for phase 2. The traceability matrix will also be used for progress monitoring and project planning.
Responsible persons:
ITMS-K WP4 | Modules ITMS-B observation data provision for use by other Modules
This workpackage coordinates the observation data flow from ITMS-B for use by other modules. It tracks the data provision according to project requirements, focussing on coverage, quality, timeliness, format specification and issue communication. Observational gaps will be identified in collaboration with Modules B_I and B_II as well as measures to close observational gaps will be initiated. Contributions from Modules B_I and B_II to overall progress, delivery status and ITMS-B benchmarks will be tracked.
Responsible persons:
ITMS-K WP5 | Modules ITMS-Q&S bottom-up flux data provision for use by other Modules
This workpackage coordinates the provision of bottom-up flux data from ITMS-Q&S_I and ITMS-Q&S_II (Module Q&S). As WP4, it tracks the data provision according to (project internal) user requirements, focussing on coverage, quality, timeliness, grid specification and issue communication. Data gaps will be identified in collaboration with Modules Q&S_I and Q&S_II and measures to close data gaps will be initiated. Contributions from Modul Q&S_I and Q&S_II to overall progress and benchmarks will be tracked.
Responsible persons: