The Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie(MPI-BGC), founded in 1997, has a focus on the understanding of how living organisms –including humans –exchange fundamental resources like water, carbon, nitrogen and energy with their environment, and how this affects and responds to global climate and environmental change.
The relevant expertise related to ITMS is the development of inverse transport modelling at regional scales by the Airborne trace gas measurements and mesoscale modelling (ATM) Group of the Biogeochemical Signals (BSI) Department. For example, the STILT (Stochastic Time Inverted Lagrangian Transport) model is hosted at MPI-BGC, and was integrated within the CSR (CarboScope-Regional) inversion system to estimate sources and sinks of greenhouse gases from atmospheric observations.
In the Biogeochemical Integration (BGI) Department, the Global Diagnostic Modelling Group develops observation-based products of carbon and water fluxes using machine learning methods that integrate in situ measurements and satellite information to extrapolate local measurements to continental and global scales. The products from the FLUXCOM initiative, consisting of state-of-the-art data-driven estimations of biospheric fluxes of CO2, have been designed by this group and are continuously improved and hosted at the MPI-BGC and is used within the ITMS.