Researchers convene in Heidelberg to discuss Germany’s space-based strategy on emission measurements
On 17 February, researchers from all over Germany met at the Marsilius Kolleg at Heidelberg University to discuss the requirements for emission measurements from space in the context of the German space strategy.

The event was organised by the German Space Agency within DLR e.V. in cooperation with Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. ITMS was represented by multiple persons from the host organisation (DLR: Julia Marshall, Heidelberg University: André Butz) and invited guests. Christoph Gerbig gave an overview of ITMS as well as the current and future possibilities of data assimilation within the framework of ITMS-M. Heinrich Bovensmann (University of Bremen), Roland Fuss (Thünen Institute) and Christian Mielke (Umweltbundesamt) described and explained the perspectives of their institutions on emission data from space. It was a successful meeting that will continue in further exchange between participants.